Friday, July 18, 2008

rude awakening

I was asleep until I was awakened at 5:00 a.m. by Gavin screaming, in my bed right next to me. He must have snuck in sometime in the night, between Cheryl and I. Cheryl nor I even knew he was there. I don't know why he screamed but that was the end of his sleeping in our bed. Cheryl brought him back to sleep in Tyler's bed where he has been sleeping for about 4 months. They have bunks but they prefer to share Tyler's top bunk. The other night he woke me because he was hanging from the top bunk by one leg, trapped between the railing and the bed, and two arms. He went right back to sleep as soon as I moved him back onto his bed.

1 comment:

Carol said...

At least it wasn't Saturday and I am sure you wanted to be awake at that hour anyway..