Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Spousal recreation and sense of place

Cheryl and I have found that we both enjoy playing raquetball. It is a laugh a minute. Neither one of is very good so we don't take it very seriously. She is a good loser. 3 out of 3. I might have to let her win one soon. Gavin and Tyler like to get in on it too, even though they are still kind of small. They are laughing it up in the backroom, playing with each other now. Bed time soon, 8:15 now.

Slow, slow day at the County. I think everyone is on summer vacation. The phone hardly even rang. My day was spent investigating the connection between transit oriented development and sprawl. Can planners create a sense of place? Sense of place is hard to nail down. It is so ephemeral. I think sense of place is like the weather. It can be planned for but it cannot be created. Sense of place develops as the result of a multitude of various factors, one of which is a persons' perception of sense of place.

Tyler is not feeling well. She was having so much fun with Gavin and now when bed time came she was looking very sick. Rain is audible with all the windows closed. It must really be coming down again. It is back to a more Florida like summer now.

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